#アイシンモーションコントロールビーム #AISINモーションコントロールビーム #オートエグゼモーションコントロールビーム #AutoExeモーションコントロールビーム #SARDダンパー #SARDDAMPER
Yamaha’s highly acclaimed performance damper.
Those who have installed it are happy to experience the effects in various situations, such as vibration reduction, stability during cornering, and quietness. It has been.
It seems that similar shapes have similar effects, but of course the internal structure is completely different.
However, Aisin’s body reinforcement effect seems to be higher, so this may be more suitable for sports vehicles.
Aisin motion control beam #AISIN motion control beam #Autoexe motion control beam #AutoExe motion control beam #SARD damper #SARDDAMPER